
Fragged Empire 2nd Edition | ttRPG

Created by Wade Dyer

A post-post-apocalyptic science fiction roleplaying game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

FE: RAG-TAG crowdfunding & general Fragged news :)
about 1 month ago – Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 09:35:09 PM

G'day everyone.
I hope you have all been enjoying Fragged Empire 2. As a creator it has been so encouraging to hear about peoples campaigns PCs, and just general enjoyment of the books as a fun read.

I want to give a bit of an update on a new FE project that I'm currently crowdfunding over on BackerKit: RAG-TAG. I would love for you to give it a look and see if it is of interest to you :D

>>>>>>>> RAG-TAG - CAMPAIGN PAGE <<<<<<<<

RAG-TAG is a new and fresh way to enjoy the Fragged Empire RPG, offering an alternative rules-light, punchy and dramatic rule system to the much loved and award-winning Fragged Empire 2nd edition. If you are a fan of Fragged, OSR, Mothership, MÖRK-BORG or other such art-heavy and rules-light games, you are going to LOVE this project!

VTT Support for FE2

The 'Fragged Nexus' VTT support system that we crowdfunded earlier this year is coming along well. Our developer is hard at work and we hope to have an updated system for you all to enjoy within the month (keep an eye on my social media pages for more news on this).

Fragged Kingdom 2

Playtesting over the past year and a half has gone extremely well for FK2, and all rules are freely available on the Fragged discord. Art and lore for this project are in a good place, but I'm wanting to take my time with things. I've advanced the lore timeline forward 200 years; the goddess Neph is dead, the gods are on the move, techno-magic is on the rise and nations have arisen. There are two new core playable species: the Creet and the Dracim... along with a host of new minor playable species: Automations, Elementals (Zhou), Elf (a kind of Kaltoran), Lycans and Vampire Thralls.

I'm putting lots of work into improving the Arcane Roll system, creating new Camp rules and new Bonds/Drive rules. FK2 is also designed to be balanced with FE2 (with some minor tweaks), so you can use FK2 to add even more options to your FE2 game (more melee weapons!!!!).

Crowdfunding for this will most likely be early/mid next year, and I will structure things as I did with Fragged Empire 2 (two core books - rules and setting - with a stretch goal for a 3rd book... I've not yet decided if this 3rd book will be about monsters or religions... let me know what you would like to see!).

Thanks for taking the time to look over my Fragged update. My team and I are hard at work on lots of exciting things, and I hope you will give RAG-TAG a look :)

Kind regards,

Books are Posted Out
about 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 06, 2023 at 02:06:52 AM

G'day all.

Thanks for your patience, I wanted to hold off on posting this Update until I had sent out the books and dice :) I'm super happy with the quality of everything and I hope you have lots of fun games with them!

I'm aware that a few people in the EU are still waiting on their books, I'm currently pushing hard to get these delays fixed ASAP. If you have any issues with your order please send me a direct message (via Kickstarter or social media) ASAP and I will do what I can for you. As I'm partnering with Modiphius for public release I need to use the same warehouses as them, I will have a chat with them about improving things in the future.

My lovely wife and I hand packed and sent off all Australian orders :)
The dice turned out EXTRA nice!

What's next for Fragged?

Public Launch of Fragged Empire 2:

  • This will be done via Modiphius at the end of the month (if all goes to plan).


  • PAX Aus: 6th to 8th October, Melbourne Australia.
  • PAX Unplugged: 1st to 3rd December, Philadelphia USA.
  • Fragged will be running games and have a booth at both of these conventions (though I will only be in person in Australia).
  • If you're interested in being placed on my list of potential GMs for a convention, please send me a private message ASAP with the following information: Legal Name, Email, Phone Number, Country and Preferred game systems (FE2, FK2, FK1, FA, FS).


  • I've just hired a developer to work on a browser-based PC creation system for FE2.
  • In the future we will build on this system according to that support we gain from the Fragged community. I want it to eventually be able to export data to work in systems like Foundry, build NPCs and spacecraft, and allow homebrew options (Species, Traits, Weapons, etc...).
  • If you have any experience (or lots of helpful opinions!) please be sure to join the discussion on the Fragged Discord server.

Board Game:

  • Development of the Fragged board game is going well.
  • I hope to be able to playtest it with people from the community early next year (via Tabletop Simulator).

Fragged Kingdom 2:

  • My next big project!
  • Playtesting, writing and art is all going well, but I want to take my time to ensure I get things just right. I'm especially happy with the lore (which is set 200 years after FK1), as I'm ramping up the techno-magic - devolved sci-fi - tone, adding in more nations and adding in two new playable Species!
  • Playtest rules are available on the Fragged Discord channel right now.
New PC species called the 'Dracim' and the new twin gods of nature 'Nijin and Jinin'.
All hail the goddess CORP
The Kingdom of Ire, founded in civil war.
Many new Major and Minor Houses.
Severed head of the goddess Neph (can you tell what it really is?)
A giant from the west in search of food for its insatiable (Oni) god!
The demigod dragon king of kings, creator of the Dracim!

Before you go, I just wanted to once again express my gratitude for your support of Fragged. I'm truly appreciative and I hope to have exceeded your expectations. If you have enjoyed FE2 and have a spare second, it would help me out a lot if you gave it a rating on DriveThruRPG and followed me on social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Discord).

- Wade D.

Books are Printed
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 30, 2023 at 07:00:18 PM

G'day everyone. Yesterday I received advanced copies of our books from the printers, and they're looking fantastic!!! I'm especially happy with the covers, the vibrancy of the colours and the depths of the black.

I also made a quick unboxing video for you all:

Shipping dates from my factory:

  • AUSTRALIA: 27th Jun – ETA to warehouse.
  • UK: 11th Jul – ETA to UK warehouse.
  • USA: 11th Jul – ETA to USA warehouse.

Q-Workshop also informs me that our fancy dice are also all on track to arrive at my warehouses a little before the above dates. I will take photos of these as soon as they arrive.

Update your BackerKit NOW, Fragged Kingdom 2
over 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 08:35:59 PM

G’day everyone.

We’re now in the final stages of this campaign and it’s time for you to make any final changes to your BackerKit.

  • BackerKit will be locked down next week.
  • Please double check that you have all of the Add-Ons that you want (be sure to grab the beautiful Location Guide book!) and ensure your postal address is up to date if you’ve moved.
  • If you have friends who would like to play Fragged, now is the time to invite them to pre-order.
  • Final PDFs will go out next week after BackerKit is closed.

I will be placing my order with my printers next month. I’ve had some minor issues as my USA warehouse closed down (despite slowing things down, I’m glad this happened before I went to print), but I’ve been working with Modiphius to secure a new company to work with.

Final artwork for the Location Guide book was finished very recently :D

Here is a quick update on some of my other projects.

“Here lies the head of Neph, hated goddess of life and death. Her rage against civilization ended by the fell blade of her sister Ath. From her blood will be born her daughters Nijin and Jinin to take her place in the heavens as guardians of life and bringers of death. Let us love these new gods as we did not love their mother, lest we bring about their rage and a repeat of history.”
WIP art, showing a giant and the twin gods Nijin (death and life) and Jinin (life and death).
Early WIP world map of Akharon (just getting a feeling for placement, aesthetics will change).

As you can see from these images, there have been some very large changes to the lore in FK2 from FK1. The primary ones are that it is now 200 years into the future and Neph is dead. There are also new species for people to play (the Ashen Creet and Dracim), and many reworked mechanics.

  • Current Status: Playtesting right now on the Fragged discord (feel free to join in!).
  • Future Plans: Kickstarter should be in 2024, but rules are quickly developing (I expect to be 95% done within the next month or two... but that final 5% and polish will continue right up until I print).
Playtesting the Fragged board game in Tabletop Simulator.
  • Current Status: Rule design with Karl Lange ( is coming along well, but we still have a long way to go. It has been lots of fun to work alongside another professional game designer :)
  • Future Plans: I still hope to Kickstart this later this year if all goes well.

2022 Christmas Roundup!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 06:19:22 AM

G’day everyone.

Sorry for my late KS update, I wanted to hold off until all of my PDFs were ready to send out to everyone, but the last couple of images and write-ups for the Location Guide book are taking longer than I hoped. But I'm VERY happy with how things are turning out - this final FE2 book is amazing.

  • I hope everyone is enjoying the FE2 rules and setting guide PDFs! Let me know if you missed your emailed links via DriveThruRPG.
  • Last PDFs will go out in January (I will continue to update these right up until they  go to the printers).
  • I want to print in January as well, but there is a chance that it may be in early Feb (depending on how we go with editing and printing prep).
Beware the mists of the planet Hypnos.
A newly built (rebuilt?) Kaltoran cut-n-shut ship is ready to launch.
Nephilim genocrat.
A giant 2-page image of a Kaltoran pit city!!
I had fun working with the Fragged community to create these Kaltoran business names that went into the Pit City artwork! I hope to use them again in the future in other artwork.
The moon Jamila, home to the Legion/Corp fortress city of Jamila One.

As I’m in the final stages of this project, I like to set aside the occasional afternoon to work on other projects. As variety helps to keep my mind sharp, creative, happy and a chance to work with new creative people. Here is some of what I’ve been working on:

Resin Minis: Eridan Lorenz (Tethered Hunter with Axe) and Elisheba Feyright (Kaltoran Archer)!
Fragged Empire board game (very early WIP prototype).
  •  Current Status: The fantastic board game designer Karl Lange from Ark Angel Games and I are still in the early stages of fleshing out the rules.
  •  Future Plans: We plan to Kickstart this in 2023.
  •  Current Status: I’ve only been working on this for a couple of weeks... but, I'm VERY excited about giving this setting and rules the same love as FE2.
  •  Future Plans: Playtest files should be out early 2023 via the Fragged discord channel, but will not be Kickstarted until 2024 (as there is LOTs of work to do).
Fragged Tactics - a miniature skirmish game.
  •  Current Status: Rules are all made and are being polished. You can play this on Tabletop Simulator right now (let me know via the Fragged discord if you would like to play a game with me!).
  •  Future Plans: I’m not sure if this will become a fully produced product, and I will be content if it just becomes a fun print-and-play game.
I hope everyone has a great Xmas and new year!!!!!!!!!